A x10 hand-lens is necessary for observing small flowers, moss leaves, hairs etc. An ordinary magnifying glass is not powerful enough.
You can obtain a suitable lens on-line. Summerfield Books (type hand lens into the search box) offer a x10 magnification, 18mm diameter lens, costing £4 + p & p which is ideal. It is not necessary to purchase an expensive lens and don’t buy one with a magnification greater than x10; these have an extremely small field of view and narrow depth of focus. Keep the lens on a cord around your neck otherwise you are likely to lose it on the first outing.
How to use a hand-lens:
These lenses do not work like magnifying glasses. You must hold the lens very close to your eye then bring the specimen up to it until it comes into focus. If you wear glasses (including varifocals) it should not normally be necessary to take them off but the hand-lens should be almost touching the lens of your glasses. If the specimen does not come into sharp focus move it and/or the lens closer until it does. It may take a little while to get the knack, but persevere.